MS Golwalkar on reactionary Hinduism-

Some are Hindus, not out of conviction, but out of reaction. To give an example, our workers once approached a prominent Hindu leader during the signature collection campaign demanding ban on the slaughter of cows.
But they were greatly shocked to hear him saying, "What is the use of preventing the slaughter of useless cattle? Let them die. What does it matter? After all, one animal is as good as the other. But, since the Muslims are bent upon cow-slaughter, we should make this an issue.
And so, I give you my signature." What does this show? We are to protect the cow not because the cow has been for ages an emblem of Hindu devotion but because the Muslims kill it! This is Hinduism born out of reaction, a kind of ‘negative Hinduism’.
There are some for whom, the term ‘Hindu’ is of use only to serve political objectives. Because a Congressman or a Socialist or some ‘X’ thinks in terms of ‘composite culture’, they stand up and say that they want a ‘pure’ Hindu culture.
Stranger than this is the cry of ‘Hindu Communism’! A person can either be a Hindu or a Communist. He cannot be both. It only means that those who shout about ‘Hindu Communism’ know neither Communism nor Hinduism. This is all out of reaction
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