This is not ok.

Futile CPR is harmful, but so is this. And it’s arguably too dangerous for bystanders (as it’s an aerosol generating procedure) to do CPR on anyone during the pandemic.

Wouldn’t it be better to just suspend it for all of us?
We can’t do this to people.

Yes, it’s daft that CPR is the one treatment that non-medical staff must implement regardless of other factors, until a doctor has expressly forbidden it in writing.

But that’s not the patient’s fault.
I think the only way doctors can win public trust in this, is by large numbers of us publicly saying that *we* don’t want CPR for ourselves until the pandemic is over.
We can lead by example.

We can take some of the burden of facing our own personal mortality off frightened sick, disabled and older people and their relatives

and we can practice what we preach.
Thanks Linda.
Here’s mine:
Sub thread
Thanks Simon
Very good read here
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