A thread of my simple #sleepfacts:

I reject the evil commies who would bombard sanfransisco with homosexuality and anal rape.

I 0reject all the libtards who've been replying to all of vmy posts with pictures of their genitalia (very small I might add).

I reject muslems. https://twitter.com/robbystarbuck/status/1205301386235252736
I reject the notion that if you create a product that revolutionises the world, then you shouldn't have your livlieyhood stolen by someone whose simply better at the stock market then you.

I reject taxes

I reject you coming Into my house and telling me I can't beat my kids.
I reject the @USArmy coming into my house and sleeping with my wife and giving me a bastard kid that i have to take care of because I dont believe in abortion so now I'm paying to raise some jackasses brat while my own kids look at me with disgust.
I reject Obama, and his cronies.

I reje t Nancy pelosi when she tore up the best president we've ever seen as a country's speech just because she wanted to see if she could become a internet meme.

I eject semen into the dumpster

I reject the fact the we've landed on the moon
I reject the liberal media and there pathetic attempts at slandering me.

I reject the corrupt libertarian party , who rejected my bid for gubernatorial candidacy because I was quote"a menace to society unquote".

I reject @HillaryClinton who should be in jail for trying to kill
I rejecct the false prophets who would preach in the name of islam and liberalism.

I reject the government telling me I don't have the freedom to use religion in whatever way I see fit. If I want to start my own branch of Christianity where we all gather round watching me jerk.
my dick off, then th6ats my freedom of religion and don't even try to stop me, or you'll be hearing from my ar15.

I reject the godless homosexual monster @benshapiro , and his quest to villify me and my people in the eyes of the lqmestream media.

I reject decaffeinated coffee.
And finally I reject all of you, who were foolish enough to read this thread all the way through, 0not realising it was all a cording to my plan all along... You thought youve won? Well guess again! Because by the time yourve finished reading. Tbis🤣, my plan is already cumplete.
Checkmate, @MarkDice
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