WOMAN STUCK IN LOCKDOWN WITH ABUSIVE HUSBAND STABBED TO DEATH. we do not pity abusive men. https://twitter.com/DailyMirror/status/1246452239608229890
i also have been searching for this bullshit article through their link for 10 mins and still cannot see it? burn
I swear to absolute god if i get more men replying using this tweet to talk about how “a woman would’ve gotten away with it” and “what about men who are abused”. use your OWN space to talk then. yk you are *allowed* to care about mens issues when it’s not just to talk over women.
listen obviously we don’t pity abusive women either. the tweet was about a man so i said “men”. really not a confusing concept that people don’t only believe things they voice at one given time lmaoooo why do i have to explain this 😭
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