In my past life I worked in a research unit. We worked on a number of vaccines and treatments varying from paediatric oncology to HIV. The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation was one of our biggest funders. Data was collected from various sites across the world (covering all...
continents- reason why I still hate teleconferencing. Having to be up at 2 am because someone in South Korea wants to discuss something). Some of the work I was part of is now being used. People applaud the government for introducing a new treatment regiment yet they are not
aware of how that came into place. Testing has always been (and will always be) part of medicine. What the French doctors said is both racists and foolish.They must b stripped of their qualifications. If we are going to oppose testing altogether we might as well stop vaccinating
Oh I signed some disclaimer stating that I mustn't disclose the actual name and propriety owner of the tests we were conducting otherwise I'll need a really good lawyer.

That's my 2 cents worth. As you were.
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