PROTIPS for grocery shopping right now, a thread
Get in and get out. Don't fucking wander around browsing.
Be assured, the folks working are doing their level best and sometimes are the only ones effectively observing distancing
(they also secretly loathe you being there)
There's nothing in the back. NOTHING
Be aware of your surroundings.
Above all, have patience and remember, we have zero fucks left to give. We really don't care that you feel inconvenienced anymore. Harsh but true.
Don't use cash. I know that's impossible for some folks but cash is fucking gross and triggers all kinds of disinfecting protocols that will only delay you getting your organic rolled oats, Karen.
My personal rule: I don't enter an aisle unless there are less than three people already there. ALLOW SPACE, PEOPLE
(this is poorly worded. Fuck you)
You using your knuckle on the POS terminal isn't going to end a global pandemic. We just wiped it down with sanitizer.
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