So I'm in a lyft... (Why?!? I know right). We get to our destination. I go to open my door and all I hear is BOOM!!!!
Next thing you know theres a guy flying in the air off his bike... I get out the car. The guy is bleeding like crazy FROM HIS HEAD!
He's clearly not ok... at this point we're both in shock but I call an ambulance and give my lyft driver the 5stars he deserved...
I'm on the phone with bcpd and they're asking all the unnecessary questions per usual.. I'm staying calm. Ambulance is on the way...
The dude is still bleeding like crazy, he's things are scattered all over the street... I'm trying to make sure he doesn't move. Next thing you know...
Two junkies walk up and try to steal his stuff off the ground. Th man is bleeding FROM HIS HEAD! I'm like yo...
Not the kicker!
They back up finally... I look back at the guy and this nxgga is smoking and electronic blunt... while practically bleeding his brains out
People are riding by (being nosey)... the guy is still bleeding and smoking a vape. And all I hear is somebody yell out there car window "Corona Virus!"
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