U know, I wouldn’t call myself like a vaush stan or whatever (I’m not too aware of him or his work), but seeing stuff like this just ends up makin me crave his blunt direct approach lol. Like, what are u mad abt, pls,, just tell me. Is it that he’s rude and ppl like it?
To be clear, this isn’t some kinda defense of vaush. I really don’t know or care enough for that. But the sort of vagueness people are willing to have abt these things just bothers me. Like his very existence as an angry internet man is the problem
ppl pointing me to bad or problematic things he’s said kinda makes me feel this way even more tbh. Like idk I don’t believe that we can explain away something like transphobia with “how twitch and its angry bois are rude.” It’s just kind of a frustrating, vague diversion to me
this has been garnering some controversy lol, so I feel like I need to say: I would be making this point if vaush were a literal nazi. It’s not a good thing to present problematic ideas and ppl in a way that leaves the reader wondering, “oh wow so what’s the problem here?”
Gamergate, for instance, is not a group of rude rowdy boys who love to have a raunchy time. And if an article was like “oooooo those mischievous gamer booooys!!” I’d think it was creating more problems than it was solving.
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