Deleted the tweets about my thoughts on the dub. I still am a bit wary about it, but who knows, maybe I'll like it.

I've seen people directly attack the voice actors, so if you decide to attack or harass any of them directly, why?
It's fine to be concerned, but if you're going around and harassing them, please, for my sanity, BLOCK ME.
While I don't like dubs all that much, I'm surprised and kinda glad that a dub for this franchise could happen. BanG Dream, although it doesn't seem that way, isn't that big.
About Juby? I wanted to not say something about it, but it feels like it needs to be done. It feels like something was up about that receipt, it's like bringing up old stuff, where have I seen this before?
It's okay to be a bit concerned, but it feels like people can't learn from their own mistakes anymore. Everyone makes stupid mistakes all the time and we'll learn from them, so why can't you do the same here?
I've seen the fandom do stuff like this and many other fandoms too, this should not be normal.
I know I wrote this thread on for long enough, but it feels like I needed to say this, because I've seen it too many times. I'm sorry for probably flooding your timelines, if you see this.
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