Starting tomorrow I will be attempting a movie journey, with the intent of watching a movie I have not seen before every day(?). I have made a watchlist of 285 films and I will pull from it, at random or specific choice. Each time I watch a movie I will add to the thread.
The watchlist with all the movies I plan to watch can be found on my letterboxd here: I will try to watch a movie or more a day but knowing me that may not happen. Each time I watch one of the films I will add it in a tweet below.
Day 1, #NowWatching:

John Wick (2014) Dir. by Chad Stehelski
Day 1, #NowWatching

Clapping for the Wrong Reasons (2013) Dir. by Hiro Murai
Day 2, #NowWatching
The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligati (Silent) (1920) Dir. by Robert Wiene
Day 2, #NowWatching

But I’m a Cheerleader (1999) Dir. by Jamie Babbit
Day 3, #NowWatching

Juno (2007) Dir. by Jason Reitman
Day 4, #NowWatching

My Life as a Zucchini (2016) Dir. by Claude Barras
Day 4, #NowWatching

Hot Fuzz (2007) Dir. by Edgar Wright
Day 4, #NowWatching

Taxi Driver (1976) Dir. by Martin Scorsese
Day 5, #NowWatching

Grave of the Fireflies (1988) Dir. by Isao Takahata
Day 6, #NowWatching

Pulp Fiction (1994) Dir. by Quentin Tarantino
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ten Movie Mark~~~~~~~~~~~
I have really enjoyed the movies I've watched so far, some small notes for this thread, I'm trying to space out movies of the same type, whether thats genre or tone. Thread correction, Pulp Fiction was watched around 5:30 pm on 4/10 not 4/11
You can follow @lauraslesbian.
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