alright so heres the deal.

2 days after this ended, @SL____11 called me out for rigging this, because I was the first follower of kid who won.

I denied it because i didnt rig it.

but heres the real story. its basically 4 years later, so i think its time i come clean
The kid who won, not only did i know, but at the time he was my best friend.

He moved towns, and when i ran this messaged me if he could enter. he bought 50 spots and i was just happy to sell the spots to him because it really wasnt filling. i never thought hed win
then @ATrainKickz flamed me for doing a $1 raffle. he had like 20k followers at the time, so naturally with the added attention, it filled that night.

the next day i ran the raffle and to be completely honest I kinda forgot that my friend entered
So long story short, my boy won and I bugged out. I called him right after and told him that its gonna look hella sus so lets try to make sure we dont draw any additional unneeded attention.

so after that i started up the second raffle which also was on its way to filling fast
I was at a doctors appointment for an hour, and after I check my phone and it blew up with people calling me out for scamming.

basically @SL____11 did some investigating and found that i was his first follower, and i was the first person he followed
i bugged and tried to downplay it

somehow i got out of it, but the optics could not have been worse

but yeah, the kid who won was my boy but I DID NOT RIG THAT RAFFLE. he won legitimately

i got lucky that somehow people believed me or that would have been the end of me on here
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