These days, all it takes to be an expert on something is to have strong feelings about it. Proof of this is @Twitter. So many instant experts convinced that their deep feelings make their opinions, no matter how little they know on a subject, is right and superior.
I don’t know about you, I wouldn’t ride a plane flown by someone who simply feels strongly about flying. At best, we’re not going anywhere, even worse if he manages to get us up in the air - then we are really screwed.
And many of you choose your influences and influencers this way. You choose those that resonate with you best, not realizing that resonance has more to do with personal bias than actual wisdom. You choose based on strong feelings not great understanding.
Then you wonder why your life doesn’t take off, or worse, why it looks like a crash site despite your best intentions. Because you flew according to strong feelings without seeking understanding.
You can follow @davidbonifacio.
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