It’s time for Demolition Man. Obvious contemporary relevance re: no contact or toilet paper. Be well!
Prime moment.
*chef kiss* Telecommuting
Sorry but it’s just a beautiful thing.
*pastry chef kisses*
Speed bus in background. Her obsession with fairly recent historical films is at odds with her ignorance but we forgive.
Pause for this supreme frame.
No unnatural deaths and an end to the entire global animal exploitation industry? We’ll hang on, that’s pretty impressive.
This is all great stuff.
Stallone doing 20th Century Face.
Just great faces all round. I bet they filmed this 100 times.
Obvious reference.
I think I’m impressed a maniac 90s LA cop can recognise fascism like this.
The thing I actually find impressive about this bad guy is he REALLY is a bad guy. A lot of films make their antagonists too smart and rational. Not here, he’s a fucking nasty arsehole.
We should bring this back.
“SAPD” is one of many lovely little touches.
Why would this hydrant still be connected to the water mains? Even if this museum section is preserved.
I feel like this little old plastic TV flung from its weak cord wouldn’t really hurt a genetically enhanced super criminal but love that line.
100% this is a black sticker.
Obviously, this is call-back setup, the only real winning move Stallone has, acknowledged by Phoenix.
A reminder to read the book.
Shout out to my viewing buddies here, though they lack dedication to the art of film.
Glenn Shadix’ greatest role. / The most irritating line in the whole film (saying something in this one) reserved for the quintessential effeminate confident and intelligent baddie. This film does demonise intelligence that isn’t “street smarts” or “aged wisdom”.
As an Australian, everything I’ve ever known about Taco Bell comes solely from this film.
It seems like they have a transit system but its still highways all over. They said anything bad for you was deemed illegal but they seem to have forgotten walking and cycling in the continued thirst for entrenched automobility.
Obvious moment but still love the back and forth references to Arnie/Stallone being president in their movies. Obvious next step is Stallone entering govt in reality. Anything can happen.
The fabrics, colours, fashion, textures in these scenes really require pausing to appreciate. They fly by but they are so fun and luscious. Also, this “mellow” line easily one of the funniest moments snuck in there.
Sorry but look at this women’s banging blue crystal jacket TAKE MY MONEY ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Please be patient, we are experiencing some technical interruptions...
Oh wait, he is a cop.
The handsome rebel leader, so likeable yet unfortunately the film sweeps aside the politics here for a rather bland centrist ending. Like, some good points made but a lot of important critique is put in the drawer.
Oh no, why did all of us get under the big tent at once??
I haven’t looked it up but they seem to constantly drive past the same building.
I haven’t looked this location up either but I bet this is some US modernist museum or public building.
Had to take a break to play with Pixel.
Subtle commentary heh heh
And thank bloody goodness for that.
We laughed at this moment in the 90s but I guess it’s arguable this point has aged well now.
Thank god so many of these gross moves have been stripped from Hollywood. This woman had made her stance on contact extremely clear.
All true. Well done to her.
Actually loads of apartments are still this boring.
This is a “tough guy” gag but I genuinely feel this is a great endorsement for the rehabiliatory (??) and transformational/meditative power of knitting.
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