Between no alcohol and strictly drinking water, yoohoos, and a Monster here and there, I've gotten more done.

Sobriety is rough at first, but after that hump, it's amazing how much more energy I have. I've lost weight, tackled projects I pushed off, feel better, and patience.
Alcohol helps us deal with pain, emotion, and everything else we're afraid to confront.

Trust me when I say that if you stop it and confront everything sober, and clean yourself up, life is so much easier. Sure, I still get aggravated, sad, lonely, but I cope better clean.

Believe me when I say I was an alcoholic, I still am. I went thru 20 bottles of liquor in less than 2 weeks.

Being buzzed and oblivious numbed out the pain of reality. My life as a Marine, death of my mom, aches from a life of hard work and war.

I feel good, happy. I like it.
I've given up on people that drag me down and focus on the ones that help lift me up.

Life is short, remember that. Surround yourself with people that actually care about you.

I do, and I'm here for those of you that need help.
I don't go to AA meetings or anything. I just put my mind and body to work.

If you need help, DM me. It'll be between you and me.

Thanks for listening, and if you're struggling, just know that it's possible, and we're here. You're not the only one hurting.
This was a normal week or so for me. Trust me, being normal is possible. Talk to me.
Alcohol is nothing compared to happiness, and it takes time, but it's there. Trust me. I nearly gave up my life to it, barrel to the head. Talk to me.
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