to all #QAnon followers:

We WILL NOT SEE high-profile perp-walks.

I'm sorry.

But we wont.

This is TOO BIG. On a global level, the US Govt cannot present this level of corruption & deception to the WORLD.

Stop & think about this.
Truly think about it.

It's bigger than...
Your need to see justice.

This is about a belief system.

It's about destroying an illusion the globe has about how their nations, their leaders, operate and the faith/trust the populations place into these people.

And I'm sorry, that just can't happen.

Well, THINK!

If you're reading this, you are likely "woke" to the corruption & Deep State that has truly taken over this planet.

You are prepared.

So many people are not.

I would argue 7/8ths of North America is unaware. Add the planet to that, and...
The vast majority of the planet doesn't know.

And isn't ready to know.

People attach their identity to their belief system. It's a part of WHO they are.

If you destroy that illusion, you practically destroy the person.

They can't control the mass public, if they do that.
So, how do they disembowel the #DeepState and keep the world turning?

Well, it's easier than you think!
(if you have a plan and execute it flawlessly).

So what is the plan?

I think I get it now.
They Cannot, can. NOT. Undermine the office of the President of the USA.

Nor can they undermine the integrity and image/trust of the USA.

If they expose the mass corruption of #Obama & #Hillary it makes the USA look like any 3rd world corrupt POS govt.
So, they must eviscerate the corruption, but they gotta make it look like a contained, limited, problem.

So, they need at "Fall Guy."

It'll be Hillary. Because she was NEVER President, but she was high-level government as Secretary of State.

Also, Trump HATES her.
So, @HillaryClinton is gonna fall HARD.
EVERYTHING she is connected to will be exposed.

She will be humiliated publicly...


And the World will speak her name in Poli-Sci and History classes for years. She will be a Term.
"Benedict Arnold" or "Hitler".
And The others below her, will be exposed, as well.

But what about Obama?

Well, here's what I think will happen there...
Obama will get a slap on the wrist.
He will be "OJ'd".

That is to say, the public opinion of him will be destroyed.


His legacy ruined. His reputation becomes puke.
But he will not face true, huge, charges.
There will always be ambiguity about his guilt...

But, there will be a dump.

A leak.

DAMNING evidence will flush out into the underbelly of the internet.

Those who seek, WILL FIND, his crimes.
The VILE, EVIL, crimes.

But officially? Won't be charged with any of it.

So, on the record, only small corruption.
But WE will know.

He might, possibly, fall ill... kinda like John McCain style.

And what a coincidence that will be!
So, this is my theory.

Maybe I'm wrong?

One thing is for sure, they can't "go all the way" with this, because it becomes TOO MUCH on a global sense; too many governments have been fucking with each other (in corrupt ways) for sooooo long, it would fuck the public up
And SHATTER their illusion of the world, beyond repair.

And NONE of us want to deal with the fall out from that.
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