Everyone is quitting its actually really depressing. After wc this game was in such a good state to be one of the best competitive games of all time. Its actually really sad looking at the communication differences between epic and riot and starting to show why a game took a turn
Like I just don’t know why it’s like this; do they just not give a shit or is there more to it?
On top of the game being terrible, controller and heavy snipes are just really making me want to gauge my eyes out. I literally can’t stand playing the game right now.
Its just so unfair that you can literally just fucking die instantly unless you tarp everywhere which is literally impossible. You can get 200-0ed out of the sky just because someone is using a fucking ps4 remote. You can loot 20 houses and have no shield. It’s not skill anymore
And if you start 2 hours late your chances of placing are instantly put 20x higher than if you started normally
And for fucks sake, IPAD players have the same fucking prize pool. Over powered items that you can only find one of on the map make it to where the chances of winning the game are 10x higher than someone that makes a skilled rotation. Swords and mechs added days before tourneys.
Only game updates now only feature more bugs added, and 0 content. The next updates are them fixing those bugs, and adding new ones; an endless cycle. No communication about any of these things, forcing third parties to cover the information instead of official statements
Only making good updates when other games have an edge on them. No broadcasts like trio fncs and World Cup, also making third party sources cover tournaments that literally didn’t even show points last week for fucks sake
Glitches like people not loading into games, points not counting, and visual bugs have been in the game since wc. Prize pools for events have gotten shittier and shittier. Literally making more events rather than more prize pool, in hopes of more exposure that they already have.
You can get 10 grenades thrown on you and instantly skull fuck you without you being able to do a single thing. The only reason they were taken out wasn’t because they were overpowered as one might assume, but simply because there was another glitch they added with them.
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