You are abusing animals Joe. Tigers are not supposed to be used for photo ops
“What do you endangered species, you breed more”. No! You shouldn’t breed wild animals into captivity. Humans should stop interfering with their habitats
Ahh, so Doc Antle preys on young girls and gets to be another one of his assistants. How unsurprising, lol
Joe’s second husband was a teenager when he first him. These men really love going after these young girls/boys cause they know they can manipulate them
I honestly don’t think Carole is much better than Joe or rest of them. Yeah she doesn’t breed but she has all these people working at her sanctuary several days a week....for free! Like bitch you’re trash for that! #TigerKing
I’ll be damned if I’m going to be working for someone several days a week and they can’t even remember my name or give me a damn paycheck
Nah...Doc Antle is hot garbage! His treatment of these young girls/women. Making them get implants they didn’t ask for. This motherfucker owns a cult!
These men really prey on young people or people that are in very vulnerable situations. I am disgusted!
Oh that bitch definitely killed her husband!
Carole killed her husband! She did that shit! #TigerKing
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