Struggled with a patient's anxiety last night while he was proned but not paralyzed. We were tempted to play with deep sedation. My team was amazing trying to meet his needs and find out what he needed. The knew this patient was highly intelligent and would struggle with 1/
Cognitive deficits from sedation and delirium. Their patience and preserverance was amazing. Today he was calm and cool and I asked the day nurse what changed.
Her: He was hot so I put new batteries in the fan
Me:I tried everything yesterday! How did you know that?
Her: I asked.
A fan. A fan spared him deep sedation, delirium, immobility, and the dominos that fall after that. I am humbled by the vision and expertise of the nurses I observe saving lungs and restoring lives through the big and "little" heroic gestures they provide their patients every day.
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