Twitter, it has been a while.

Logging off social media for the vast majority of Lent was good for me. Of course, this Lenten season has been particularly challenging given the coronavirus pandemic.

Remember to not only take care of your physical health, but also your spiritual.
Like most of you, I desperately miss attending liturgy, receiving the sacraments, encountering the church community. During this period of "social distancing" & isolation, I have felt a certain emptiness that no live-stream church service (as fine as they are) cannot fill.
There is a deep connection between the Eucharist & desire. The yearning we feel for receiving Our Lord substantially, though veiled behind sacramental species, is a yearning which should guide our entire lives.

How often have I simply taken access to the Eucharist for granted?
This COVID-19 pandemic reminds us of an oft-forgotten truth: the church begins at home.

The "first church" is the domestic church. The love between husband and wife, the guidance of the parents with their children, the obedience of children to their parents... church begins here
Moreover, the lack of access to the sacraments has forced many of us to ask what we can do to spiritually nourish ourselves?

Perhaps a family rosary. Praying before meals. Sacred music, lectio divina, spiritual reading, studying Christian doctrine.

Just do *something*
This Holy Week, turn off the news, or if that's not possible, then consume the news in small doses. We don't need constant exposure to coronavirus news.

Spend quiet time with Jesus. Cherish quality time with family. Commit to some type of good works.

Pray, hope, & don't worry.
I wish you all a very blessed & safe Holy Week. Let us walk with Christ in these coming days, never forgetting those whose participation in Christ's cross right now is in their suffering from coronavirus.

Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and protect us, O God, by your grace!
You can follow @johnamonaco.
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