stumbled on this comment on an OSS issue.

I thought it was an interesting example of how relatively middle-of-the-road comments can actually be pretty negative to receive - and how they can be improved!
"...this doesn't seem to be fixed in the 6.0.0 version"

❌ stated as fact; no acknowledgment that bug could be specific to user/env./use-case

✅ explicitly acknowledge the bounds of your experience:

"Having upgraded to 6.0.0., I am still seeing this error in my app."
❌ doesn't provide an (ideally hosted) example of bug

✅providing examples means maintainers don't:
1. have to take time to replicate your setup
2. make (potentially critical!) assumptions about your use-case!

"See this fiddle for an example of the bug still present in 6.0.0"
"...please check..."

❌ offloads responsibility for bug/patch verification to maintainer
✅ a 👏hosted👏example👏 significantly reduces maintainer's workload - all they have to do is verify our work!
"...and release a new version?"

❌presumes - both to know the correct action AND to make explicit demands of maintainers' time
✅trust that people know how to do their jobs and can draw correct conclusions from provided information.

❌ zero positive sentiment or appreciation expressed
✅ show some appreciation 🤷‍♀️

"Thanks for all your hard work on this project. I really rely on it and I'm glad it's so robust!"
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