it is absolutely incredible to me that all these doomsday preppers talk about how they have to be DIVERSE with their SKILLS and know how to do EVERYTHING, by which they mean "hold this gun and shoot this livestock" and MYSTERIOUSLY not "hold this needle & thread and darn a sock"
doomsday prepping is just anxiety-LARPing for libertarians
it's really incredible. food & ammo, always covered. fixing the damn clothes you're gonna be wearing, especially to face the harsh conditions and violence that preppers always predict? *crickets*
"bug out exercise at 3 am" but never a "do a load of laundry properly by reading the symbols on the care label without waking up your wife at 3 am"
I have watched what's on netflix and I am actually boggled that I've never seen a family raise animals for wool (wool rabbits even exist!) or spin fiber or even goddamn knit as a skill set. HMMMMMM
look 8 grannies in a knitting circle statistically have more profitable barter skills and much more knowledge to weather an apocalypse than one libertarian with a gun
when you see the wives and girlfriends of color who are just so fed up with white men prepping lmfao
it's even more obvious when you see prepper families with young children. the hand-me-downs will run out eventually, and, unfortunately, human children cannot just generate larger clothes like snakes shedding their skin
MOOD, all I'm sayin is that if the libertarian with a gun faces off against the eight grannies in a knitting circle, their "we can knit you a new, warm sweater, AND bake you some cookies" will disarm him SO fast
but quite honestly, the fact that doomsday preppers has an x-factor points category, where everything is made up and the points don't matter, shows that this show was never about learning something lol
I like watching the show mainly because if I start thinking about how everything they're doing is impractical or wouldn't work in reality, I get LOTS of cool ideas for writing better apocalypse/on-the-spot engineering fiction :3
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