(Thread) Once you learn to love and respect your body and brain style, you can learn to respect the opposite sex’s body and brain style.
Men seem to retract into themselves to think things through, then share the conclusion they reach.
Women tend to verbalize their thoughts as they work through them, then come to their conclusions.
Men will usually say “get to the point”. If this is the case, just be patient. She will get there. She needs to talk through it. He needs direct points so he can start his own problem-solving thought process.
Women will ask the man for the details of his thought process which he may find offensive and feel that she is doubting what he is saying. She wants to share in his process, but he doesn’t feel like his process should be a team effort. She can wait.
By listening and having patience both men and women feel heard, and more open to resolution. ✝️
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