Can't believe that this whole "make your own game engine" thing is actually pretty fun
Hoping to publicize the GitHub repo sometime soon, I just want to document the engine a bit more

Also, for some extra info: It's sort of more of a game library? It's built using JS and runs in browsers! It's mostly intended to be a rapid prototyping tool for trying out ideas
It's loosely based off GM, and it has an asset-compiler pipeline (node.js)

Working on getting the basics up and running, but as soon as they are I'll be sure to share the repo and allow contributions!
The main idea is just to allow you to VERY quickly build an idea that requires very little overhead (no installing software, no long compile times, (hopefully) optimized runtime, etc)
By the way, it's codename (probably final anyway) is Styx! 😊

I might use this thread as a sort of dev-log
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