my opinions on different names for a penis: a thread (may or may not be biased)

- cock/dick (classics, they don’t sound weird to me idk)
- pp (either you like pewdiepie or ur nine years old)
- shaft/member/manhood (i have honestly never seen these words outside of fanfiction)
- phallus (reminds me of renaissance era naked marble sculptures of dudes)
- schlong (a hilarious word in general if u say this i can’t take u seriously)
- anything related to a sausage (okay captain obvious we get it it looks like a food item)
- penis (way too formal. 🅱️ENIS)
- wood (what are you, a lumberjack?)
- sexcalibur (king arthur and the knights of the round table is decidedly unsexy)
- erection (this makes me vaguely uncomfortable, 7/10)
- prick (i use this word sometimes to call people jerks but it’s kinda funny ngl)
- knob (brits wya)
- chode (an irl uses this so much i cannot believe it is a real word)
- meat (no thank you i am not interested in cannibalism)
- skin flute (...???????)
why did i make this thread
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