Every time I read some tweet of the "Science is going to save us" variety, I -- as a Neuroscientist -- want to tell them, No! #BehavioralEconomics will. You can change the world right now by changing YOUR behavior and practicing self-discipline. The scientific method takes time.
Science doesn't need more faith in #science. It needs more people who are skeptical of every "scientifically proven" half-measure that is coming. It needs people of mettle, ready to make sacrifices, willing to change themselves, seeped in overflowing humanity.
When the #BubonicPlague ruined Europe for decades, science had no cure. Religion, no answers. Those in power did not believe in process, or method, and acted as if most human life had little value. "Our world has to be person-centered, not a thing/tech-centered to thrive." - #MLK
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