I have a few minor yet strong mental quirks, and I'm curious if there's a term for these patterns or if anyone else has something similar. THREAD:
Example 1 - I love taking walks in the rain. I have been sitting gazing longly out my rainy window. I cannot make myself go outside without a goal. The goal has to be independent of the walk (e.g., no "go to this random corner"). It can be tiny, like "deposit money in ATM".
I tried getting totally ready to go outside, hoping that I could actually take a walk if maybe I didn't have to overcome any barriers like getting dressed, but it didn't work - I'm currently sitting in warm clothes, still not walking around in the beautiful rain.
Example 2 - conversations at parties. I'm better at this if I'm a bit drunk, but typically I want a goal of conversation explicitly defined at parties. I'll often respond to opening small talk with "why are we talking" or "what are you doing here" or "what do you want?"
Example 3 - meetings. Any time I have a meeting with a project, I literally cannot function unless the goal is defined. If the goal is brainstorming, I can do that - but if it isn't defined, then I cannot brainstorm, 100% of my mental effort is going into figuring out the goal.
These needs in me don't affect my life too much, but they are *extremely strong*; as in I just stop being able to process what's happening and get extremely confused if I don't understand what's going on or why I'm doing a thing. I literally cannot make myself go take a walk rn.
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