"We were very scared. Women were not allowed out of the house. Those that stepped out had to wear a burqa. The would only go to the Gurdwara. Our children did not have access to education so they stayed at home all. The Gurdwara’s granthi would teach them Punjabi but that was it
Once, we were walking to our shop when a man came up behind me and threw a rotten tomato at me. I told my dad but he quietly walked away and did not confront him. Afterwards, my dad told me that those people hate us. They call us kafirs: infidels. We are not of their religion.
In Afghanistan, anyone that is not Muslim is treated like the dirt on one’s foot. This is my most memorable story from my childhood. It still hurts me until this day."

-Shamsher Singh, Afghan Refugee living in BC

Part 2/3
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