What I learned from studying the first creations of famous creators:

1. You don’t need to wait for a life-changing insight to start sharing your ideas — you just need to start.

2. Your early work may not be great, but it may contain the seeds of greatness within it.

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3. Don’t overreact to initial criticism, don’t panic, and most importantly — don’t give up.

4. You can’t know what your “thing” will be until you start. You’ll discover it as you go.

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5. Just because you don’t hear about the creations that didn’t catch on, doesn’t mean they weren’t crucial in a creator’s development.

6. Big things start as small things.

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7. Your first attempt at something probably won’t be great, but it may not be as bad as you fear either.

8. Be the kind of creator who solves problems — not the kind that just complains about them.

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