if society normalized shorter relationships running their natural course over the course of your lifetime rather than trying to find one person in a world of millions to deal w you for a lifetime i have a strong feeling we would all b happier idk tho
I’m also not necessarily saying we should have a life full of short relationships. they don’t HAVE to be short. essentially what I’m saying is, relationships shouldn’t be forced past their due date.
a relationship may very well last a lifetime, I’m not discounting that as a possibility. Ideally, I want a forever partner. I strive for it in relationships. but if it doesn’t happen, it’s ok. I’ll be happy for the experience and finding love again elsewhere if that’s what I want
not many people feel this way though, because of the constant societal pressure of what constitutes a “successful” and unsuccessful relationship and the ways it’s end result can be interpreted as a reflection of the person, both internally and by others.
I would assume this also disproportionately affects woman. imagine how many individuals in abusive relationships could be saved if they didn’t have to worry about the way society would chastise them once it ended?
and as for children, honestly as a child of an abusive relationship myself, I know having been brought up via coparenting after a divorce would have been so much healthier than a lifetime of being exposed to unhealthy behavior- for EVERYONE, but ESPECIALLY me.
there’s this tired ass idea that what is best for the child is a traditional family structure with a mom, dad, etc. and while this may be true, it isn’t so when when the nuclear family is unhealthy to begin with. stop traumatizing your kids because you’re scared to let go
this also isn’t that deep in terms of wanting anyone to agree w me or not, I just personally have passionate opinions on it and will live my own life as I see fit. y’all can keep staying in relationships that make you unhappy I really don’t care lmaoooo
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