I've been a Chrome user for 5 years now but I'm now starting to reconsider. What browser do you use and what are it's pros and cons?
Okay the clear answer seems to be 'Brave'. And I'm embarrassed to say I hadn't even heard of it till now đŸ€­ But I've just installed it and it looks great. Thanks for the replies all.
I tried Brave for the two weeks, but I'm not a fan.

-Some chrome addons are glitchy
-Always forgets my logins for Behance
-Random pages don't load due to "Shields Up"
-It's ad model alternative isn't nearly as virtuous as people say: https://practicaltypography.com/the-cowardice-of-brave.html
My next test is Firefox. Let's see how I feel after two weeks.
I tried @firefox for a month and here's my thoughts:

Snappy. Felt very responsive.
Privacy đŸ„°

Seems to use *more* RAM than Chrome for same tabs.
Backspace still goes Back! (why?!)
Constant issues with Google Meet
Scored the worst in speed benchmarks
Next up... Edge! I'll try it for 2-weeks and see how I feel.
Though since it's built on Chromium, I suspect it'll be similar to Chrome.
NOPE. I made it 2 hours folks.
Handles embedded video like trash. There's at least a one second lag when clicking play or pause on a youtube video. Sometimes more. Unusable in it's current state. Looks like I'm back to Chrome :(
Hang on I take that back! Apparently there's two versions of Edge: one that comes with Windows 10, and a newer one that you download. I've just installed the newer one and it's much much better. So I'll give it another try. Hopefully it's less stressful :)
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