Do you really want to learn your language/culture?

Do you carve out time and dedication for it each day and MEAN it?

Are you open to being mocked, laughed at and corrected by the culture on your journey?

Or do you only care when you see it in convo and wanna play victim?
If you are an adult, YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE except YOURSELF.

Your parents “not teaching “ you is no longer an excuse acceptable by the culture, but only for yourself.

The resources are there.

Is your time there? Your money? Your passion? Your care?
Tough questions require tough answers.

Am I fluent? No
Am I waiting around being gaslight by every discussion that comes up? No.

Put your purpose where your problems are. Put down the problems. Pick up YOUR solution.
Your only obstacle to learning your language is YOU. This applies to any culture.

Folks aint scared to fight their own but scared to learn how to actually SPEAK to their own. I’ll never understand.
Every day I make it a point to learn 5 phrases. Long or short and put them into PRACTICAL use. Not to impress anyone or stress myself out, but to keep me busy and motivated. Use your language no matter who speaks it.

I use Sāmoan everyday and don’t live with my Sāmoan family.
I hear so many of my peers saying “my kids gonna speak their native language...I’m gonna send them back home”...

Okay but do YOU speak it? They will do as you DO and NOT as you say.

Once English gets in, it’s hard to get it out. Start now and you’ll be better later.
If you’re afraid of being laughed at or corrected and continue making excuses, you really don’t want it bad enough.

Want it for yourself. Not to impress another, your pastor, your country, your friends or your mother.

Only you.

Aiite. I’m out
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