Cry-laughing about this "have a party at home!" BuzzFeed article. These things are ads, but at least they label them as such (now)

Some of these items sound like the perfect recipe for causing arguments between housemates.
Let's start at the start. The whole tone of the article just sounds beautifully desperate. It somehow manages to capture this comical bleakness that infects *everything* right now
So, some of the items aren't terrible. The disco light addition would make my Filipino family proud, though they'd frown at the price because they could get one for less than £10, maybe one with swivelling lights
Getting hammered with your flatmates isn't always the best idea

One minute you're mixing tequila and gin (jfc), the next Sandra is arguing with you about how you never put the lid back on the coffee jar properly. She refuses to say what the proper way is.
Jeff got a turntable for Christmas.
Jeff fancies himself a DJ.
Jeff in actuality only owns three records.
He will daub a UV paint cock and balls on your forehead and make you sit in the dark, playing tunes as he turns the lights on and off to "get the real effect" of a club
After a few hours of this, everyone has drunk themselves sober. Sandra suggests another game

You pretend not to see the look of glee in her eyes when Matt (the subject of several of Sandra's "helpful" notes littered around the flat) gets electrocuted for the fifth time
The "night out" comes to an abrupt end when you die from literally crawling out of your skin in revulsion. This occurs when painfully-white Matt gets into an argument with Jeff about why he shouldn't say "that" word.
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