#coronavirus #FailureInChief
The spread of the novel Coronavirus is #Trump's fault. I'm sick of people dancing around it trying to appear even-handed. We need to simplify the message: if 90% of the deaths in the US were preventable, then it's Trump's fault.
(1) He lied to the American public multiple times about the severity of the disease, minimizing it and delaying the social-distancing recommendations.
2) He purposefully weakened the US pandemic prevention and response infrastructure.
3) Once the pandemic hit the US, he wasted a full month of vital preparation time, including failing to get protective equipment to healthcare workers, ramping up the production of ventilators, and deploying military hospitals to increase capacity.
4) He has failed to manage the federal response to the crisis: he failed to initiate the defense production act, to provide comprehensive directives to governors, and failed to manage the distribution of key equipment needed to fight the disease.
5) He has politicized the crisis, encouraging conservative news outlets to broadcast his lies and encouraging republican governors and citizens to follow his advice alone and ignore CDC guidance and/or independent pandemic experts.
6) He has turned vital communication channels to focus on him - his ratings, his grievances, his fights with Democrats, his fights with reporters - rather than focus them on the crisis and steps to resolve it.
The loss of lives, the loss of livelihoods, the massive social disruption - this falls on his shoulders. That's what it means to be a president who utterly fails in a crisis.
(This thread was not my own. Not sure of the original source.)
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