For those watching from home:
You might know me from wonderful hashtags like #Tinonee, or maybe, #TinoneeArmadillo.
But this plague has brought a number of trajectories into conjunction on my timeline.
The fire were 'interesting'.Surviving the fires was good.
The PTSD was bad.
The 750mm of rain has been great.
The lush regeneration of 'Hosking Estate' has been gorgeous.
The people around us have been wonderful.
Then the #COVID19Pandemic comes along...
(This is going somewhere BTW)
I'm 58 & have celebrated a dozen years with Jane. She has made me a gentler, saner person & is the first person who has requited the way I care.
And this is where it gets interesting:
I read this book.
It tells me, in hundreds of startling, secular epiphanies that I'm an Aspie.
So, after 58 years, two failed marriages, 17 schools, a Bachelor of Arts (Psych, Linguistics), two vicious, ungrateful adult sons & hundreds of jobs, I realise that I have had a personality disorder which shaped every moment i experiences during that time.
At no stage did anyone suggest that I might have Asperger's Syndrome.
No one.
They reacted.
They sure did.
But not one person ever hinted that I might have a condition which might explain a string of faux pas, poor decisions, risk taking, difficulty with emotions, depression...
... alienation, learning difficulties, sense of worth, face-blindness, social awkwardness and general shitfuckery.
It's been quite a shock.
Such a shock that I immediately got a nasty case of shingles.
It's not pleasant.
So, I'll go to the doctors & see what can be done about the shingles. I'll navigate my way around this horrible, mismanaged plague. I'll keep loving Jane, & our menagerie, and I'll keep being the loud dickhead on Twitter.
One of the key things about #aspergers is that aspies don't learn from experience.
I don't.
I keep making the same mistakes.
There's an old joke: 'that only an idiot learns from his own mistakes'. (ie, the smart person learns from other people's mistakes)
It's quite a loop.
I thought I'd share all this bcz this has been a #YearofWonders & I'm glad I endured long enough to see it.
Good luck to everyone.
Patience is its own reward.
You can follow @Forthleft2.
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