Hi, I'm BigLundi, and I play League of Legends. Have been playing it for about 7 years now. Will probably continue playing it for quite some time. I'm here to explain to you why you should never play it.
First let's address the basic barriers to entry everyone has to go through. It's a free to play game, but there's over 150 champions, and if you don't feel like playing 1000+ games, you're gonna have to buy the ones that you like.
You might be tempted to buy skins even, and buying anything in League is prohibitively expensive. I've spent about 3000 dollars over the past 7 years on this game, I should know.
The community is actually not the worst in the world. It's a bit of a meme at this point to say 'League community toxic' but it's more like 'R/League is toxic'. You'll find people who are assholes in games sometimes but unless you're a well known streamer, you'll be left alone.
Well unless you end up playing badly, but don't worry, bad plays will make you mad and toxic too. Know why? Because that's how the game's designed.
Every role has their purpose, and altogether, they're all responsible for not feeding(giving kills to the other team). And YOU only have control over YOU not feeding. Junglers can do a bit more to help, but, hah, junglers also receive the most abuse because they're the ONLY ones.
5-7 years ago you could pick up a carry champion, get into a game with 4 feeding teammates and 1v5 the enemy team if you were just 'good' enough. The game's much more balanced around 'team play' now though, so it's a LOT harder to do that.
Many of the top players in the region like to do Unranked to Challenger(the lowest and highest ranked brackets) series' because it gives their streams/youtube content. These are the TOP PLAYERS IN THE REGION and often they'll get to Challenger with...maybe a 70% win rate.
That means that, whilst climbing, even the TOP PLAYERS IN THE REGION will end up losing around 30% of their games, because their teams are just...not...good enough to do even the BASIC things you need to do.
So you're on a team with 4 strangers, against another team, and every game is you trying YOUR best, while praying to the gaming gods that your teammates just don't give up objectives and kills.
So yeah, when your teammates are feeding, it's going to annoy you, because...the modern incarnation of league kind of requires them to at least do HALF DECENT in order for you to win.
It's easier to carry at low brackets, sure. But once you hit higher levels of the elo system, ANY mistake you or your team make can be capitalized on HEAVILY by the other team to the point where being 0/5 by 15 minutes means you should probably just surrender and move on.
This game is expensive to get into, it's frustrating to play, and it's a MAJOR time investment every time you queue up(minimum 15 minute games, most games going to around 30, not to mention all the learning there is to do to learn the game properly).
Finally...it's addicting. As bad as the game is, many of us play it not because we love to play it, but because we need to rank up. We need to win games. We need to flex. Most of us, I'd wager, fucking HATE playing League. But we do it anyway, because we can't stop.
So if you ever decide to get into league because your friends are playing it, or you're watching a streamer play it and you think it looks fun, or whatever, please. For your sake. Don't.
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