Donald J. Trump's misinformation campaign contd in today's presser, jeopardizing lives in the process. I wish I had counted how many times he recklessly played Dr. today, prescribing Rx cocktails for people against COVID-19, asking "What do you have to lose?" Really? Their lives!
Further, many of those living with #Lupus are already struggling to access the meds they need to remain healthy & alive due to reckless guidance he previously offered. Can someone please mute his mic or just limit the Q&A to Fauci? This is criminal, all of it!
Those with rheumatoid #arthritis too. The last time Trump asked the American people, Black folx in particular, "What do you have to lose?" We know how that went. We are living the dire & draconian answer by the hour.
Trump is pushing a "re-opening of the country" ASAP b/c "we are paying people not to work?" We are in the midst of an unprecedented pandemic.There would be no one left to support the "economy" if we followed any of his advice.
This science denier apparently earned a medical degree from his own defunct Trump University. The priority is the public health, the preservation of lives--they, we matter more than the market or the economy right now. Urge every single Gov., to do stay at homes.
Of course, we need to discuss & plan for longterm economic recovery, but we only do that well when we center the humanity & dignity of every indv, family, worker & smbiz.
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