What's my issue with ADOS? As I see it, it uses the reparations argument as cover for the only thing it will ever accomplish; The further fragmentation of black people. Whether that is by design or by ideological bumbling matters not.
Slavery is a sensitive topic for most blacks of a certain age. I really believe young people became consumed with the history and experience of slaves beginning with the mini-series ROOTS back in the 70's. From there HOLLYWOOD and Academia never relented.
The slavery narrative has become a cottage industry of sorts for nutty professors, Hollywood studios, duplicitous pseudo leaders, and the cadre of followers who marvel at their "brilliance" and mistakenly believe these people will do anything but exploit their gullibility.
How did we become slaves? The short answer is we were defeated in wars/skirmishes before being sold. These wars/skirmishes were fought between African tribes who saw slavery as a way to amass wealth from Europeans. It wasn't very smart, but economically motivated nonetheless.
While many descendants of slaves view Africans as villains for selling us they conveniently overlook our ancestors more than likely sold slaves as well, before facing defeat and getting sold. Reportedly, roughly 13 MILLION Africans were sold. It was the "Drug Trade" of its day.
So, who do we blame? Historically, people were enslaved or annihilated when defeated. Once the male warriors were vanquished the pillaging began. It was how soldiers were rewarded. Does your conqueror owe you anything for defeating you? When in history has that happened?
The only thing that comes from defeat is SHAME. Real men understand this. It's why the Samurai performed 'Seppuku.' In our community shame doesn't seem to be a thing for a lot of men who like to argue like women or worse, follow behind women who aren't even interested in MEN!
Prior to the Trans-Atlantic slave trade there was the Arab Slave Trade in Africa. This is how so many Africans got exposed to Islam. What no one is asking is why was Africans enslaved on a level like no other people across fucking CENTURIES!!
The truth is a heavy burden but not until you can carry it will it set you. A lot of us run from the truth when it's staring us in our face. We cling to fantasy. I call it, "being busy with bullshit." We in the black community have become proficient at it. Celebrated for it.
Now, let's talk about RACISM. In my opinion racism is a social system created to placate assuage poor whites. Something to give them a sense of accomplishment. "Things could be worse. You could be a n*gger." It has worked beautifully for the white ruling class.
The reason Emancipated blacks weren't given 40 acres and a mule is because SOCIALLY it would be problematic. Too many whites didn't own 40 acres or a mule. Where would these whites work? For blacks? The Ku Klux Klan was literally formed in 1865 to keep blacks in their place.
My interview of Dr. Leonard Jeffries for my film http://www.blackwhiteandbluefilm.com  was eye opening. His grandfather was ACTUALLY lynched by the Klan in 1917 simply for being economically successful. Dr. Jeffries also detailed how the Homestead Act provided FREE land to European immigrants.
Poor whites have a history of attacking and destroying black success in this country. They will not stand for being on the bottom. in 1921 a thriving black community called 'Black Wall St.' in Oklahoma was burnt to the ground out of jealousy and bogus accusations.
We couldn't even get the Civil Rights Act of 1964 without it including white feminists. The record shows this country will not do ANYTHING specifically for blacks, much less give us "trillions" of dollars exclusively. The leaders of ADOS must know this or they're fucking DUMB!
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