Today on the anniversary of Dr. King's death, I think about when I visited the civil rights museum on a school trip and sat on the bus for an hour before going in having a group discussion on Michael Brown who was murdered less than 30 minutes from my school 3 months prior
I think about how 2 weeks later I cried in my basement when no charges were brought, and how four years later I cast my first ever vote to remove the prosecutor who didnt bring any charges against Darren Wilson.
I think about how far we are from Dr. King's vision of a racially and economically just America, and in the face of a prez election between two sexual predators who dont care about the working class and openly praise racists, it feels like we may never get there.
I wish I could end this thread on a note of hope for the future I really do try to be that person in the face of everything. But right now I dont know if I can.
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