I’ve been reflecting a lot on why I became so focused on opposing “SJWs”, and I think one of the most important parts is that I am an annoying person, I know I’m an annoying person, and social justice became linked with how people responded to my annoyingness.
When you’re an annoying person, people respond to you with annoyance. They might tease you, they might seek to humiliate you, or they might generally make it clear they don’t like being around you.

And perhaps you deserve some of this because you are annoying.
You generally grow to expect humiliation and social rejection everywhere you go, because it occurs often enough, and this I think is one of the kinds of social anxiety (I’m not a psychologist, so I don’t really know).
Of course sometimes people have more straightforward avenues to express their annoyance. Perhaps with accurate but still hurtful insults, or commonly in middle school with homophobic slurs.
But I think many annoying people like me experiences social rejection in the form of Social Justice frameworks.

I am a white person, so when I talk too much I am a white person taking up too much space.

When I express myself artistically I’m furthering white narratives.
And with enough repetition of this, one associates these arguments with bullying.

Again: I know I’m annoying and often I deserve criticism. Sometimes I’m too talkative. Sometimes I speak beyond my knowledge or expertise.
But these “systems of privilege” are defined in such a way that I cannot help but participate in them just by expressing myself, and often enough I feel those lines of social justice argument are used with to express regular interpersonal annoyance.
I’m not sure how best to express this without coming across as someone who’s so triggered by it they oppose the legitimate pursuit of social justice.

And I know my head isn’t clear enough to express how I feel without messing up a little.
If I try to pursue this line of expression publicly with my name attached, and I mess up, I don’t think I can handle the backlash.

But I believe my situation is related to why there are so many people who instinctively don’t trust anything that resembles “social justice”. End
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