Americans are completely occupied w/ unprecedented & devastating #COVID19 threat but what Trump is doing is one of the most frightening power grabs in our time. And right now not a single Dem is rising up 2 the occasion showing the level of urgency 2 match that threat. 🧵(1/16)
When it comes to constitutional dynamics among three branches with right wing firmly in autocratic grab of 2.5 of those branches Dems need to think beyond deploying conventional tools of oversights (toughly worded letters, press releases, tweets, FB posts). (2/16)
I deeply appreciate lawmakers like @SenWarren continuing to diligently fire off letters but they are no longer effective tools of oversight on their own without potent and meaningful followups. (3/16)
And meaningful followups here needs to be more than continuing the paper/online trail of another letter, tweet-thread - it needs to be in form that genuinely puts the current regime and its Republican enablers under pressure ... (4/16)
... this means Democrats need to be courageous to play actual hardball to actually use the paper/web trails they are tracking through with legislative levers they still control when they have leverage ... (5/16)
... this is why it was critical for Democrats to hold up Phase 3 legislation over #covid19 stimulus when Trump/Rs were desperate to get a #corproatebailout through Congress ... (6/16)
It means Democrats should have exacted a price that included full protection of elections (vote by mail) and actual oversight provisions (ie subpoena powers) like these (7/16)
Now that leverage is gone I doubt Dems are going to have it for the 4th package. But Dems still control 1/2 of the leg branch which means they have the power to hold hearings ... (8/16)
This means House Democrats should be getting off their buts looking for ways to hold remote/virtual hearings on accountability NOW (bet they'd get a massive online audience) to hold Trump accountable in real time. (10/16)
Accountability beyond toughly worded congressional products means lining up a schedule all Fall to get a full accounting from all Dem governors including those from MI, WI re how Trump has completely mishandled the response to #covid19 (11/16)
For ie just firing of tough statements like @MarkWarner did yesterday is no longer enough. They ought to be exploring all channels available to them push for accountability including pushing for live/remote hearings (12/16)
We need a level of leadership from Dems that matches the urgency of the moment, that goes beyond deploying conventional tools and tactics. (13/16)
Most importantly we need a level of fearlessness that requires a sense of fearless tenacity and moral leadership of righteous outrage with a thick sink to completely disregard sensitive feelings of beltway pundits. (14/16)
Who is going to step up to match that standard? (16/16)
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