Our ER is so severely under-supplied that when the COVID-19 code was called on our hold patient, the anesthesiologist and RRT didn’t even step in the room because we didn’t have any PPE that they were comfortable with so they just coded from outside while ER was hands-on.
The anesthesiologist was so upset that he argued with our Charge because he though we were hiding the gowns & shields from him but we explained THATS ALL WE HAVE HERE and he finally understood and said he was going to bring some from the OR so he was safe.

Now you know our life.
Every single other unit is supplied with OR scrubs — even administration.

But our ER? We got nothing. They didn’t offer us any.

We only found out when we brought patients to the floor and noticed OR scrubs on all staff.

You can follow @ERshitmagnet.
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