1000 people dead today and this moron is talking about impeachment?
The fucking hands accordion move is annoying
Dr CovidBecky is still comparing us to Spain and Italy. B**tch we are still walking around, going to church.......
Really republicans? This is the best you could do?
Moron, putting tariffs on oil imports to protect the oil workers, is actually taxing the oil workers BECAUSE WE PAY THE TARIFFS NOT CHINA. Three fucking years and you still don’t get a basic concept. WE PAY THE TARIFFS
He wants the Easter thing again NO NO NO NO NO NO
Dear media. This is the 30 seconds you need to watch.
The scientist says separation.
President interrupts and says NO. We have to her back to work because the dying people will die from other causes anyways. . That is what is saying. This is insanity. Stop televising these
There. He just called ventilators luxury items and New York is asking for too much . Fuhking moron. Some breathing vs drowning by their own lungs and dying is A LUXURY.
Mother fuhker just asked a virus to tell him when it will attack most. Like what day.
Seriously, this mofo is carrying corona. Look at him
He can’t help himself again.
He is saying if you have to be on the ventilator, you are dead anyways
Well i am so enraged and pumped up from this thread, I am going to deep clean. All this energy and steam to let out. End of thread
To wash this thread off. Here is JFK bit**ing at General Godfrey McHugh when he saw on the paper they spent $5000 on a bed.
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