Best refutation to Christianity, Jesus Christ is not God!

-Part 1

#Christians #Bible
Best refutation to Christianity, Jesus is not God!

#Christians #Bible

Part 2
Best refutation to Christianity and that Jesus is not God!

#Christians #Bible

Part 3
#Christians need to see these Scriptures about God's Forgiveness and repentance! Because they ignore it. God Forgives freely!

Refutation to Christianity [Part 4]
"I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear" John 16:12

John 16:13" he will NOT Speak on his own Authority but he will Speak ONLY what he hears"

John 15:26 "..He will Testify about me"

John 16:14 "he will glorify me.."

#Christians, accept #ProphetMuhammad 😌
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