If you’re the praying type, say one for my wife’s 70-year-old stepfather, Bill. He is in the ICU and breathing with the aid of a respirator. His COVID-19 test came back. He’s positive. My mother-in-law is in mandatory self-quarantine since she’s been around him the entire time.
Update: Bill's condition is pretty much the same. He did not tolerate reducing the ventilator settings, but he is stable and not in worse condition.

Your continued prayers are appreciated. Thank you. 🙏
Bill’s wife: “He had kind of a rough day b/c he has some fluid in his lungs. ... [The nurse] said he is going to be very weak when he starts to recover so it will be a longer recovery. ... They are taking good care of him. I told her we will pray harder, so please pray harder.”
Bill update: We just need more prayers. Thank you for all of you who have reached out. You all are the best. Please say another round for this wonderful guy — and his wife (my mother in law), who can’t be there with him.

I’m hoping to share better news tomorrow.
Update: Kathy got to see Bill via Zoom today & talk to his doctors. They are encouraged & she says it was a good day (“more stable today”). They inserted a picc line to better deliver meds and are going to try again tomorrow to lower his ventilator. Thank you for your prayers! 🙏
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