It would be so nice if people - ok tech dudes- could just stay in their misinformed Dunning-Kruger lanes
Folks I have a science degree with a double major in biochemistry and pharmacology. I haven’t done much purely pharma research since I got my degree. At best, I can talk about drug delivery. Can I tell doctors how to treat patients or speculate on return to work? Absolutely not
Stay in your lane. This persistent notion that only outside people not even remotely related to the relevant disciplines can see clearly or come up with innovative ideas to deal with COVID19 really needs to be retired
The other thing to remember is that COVID19 is a constantly evolving situation; in a world where real and competent political leadership is rare, pandemic planning has been degraded and the organisations that work on this have been defunded or politically compromised
So, if the messaging seems mixed and all over the place, part of it is politics and neo-liberalism, and part of it is because COVID19 is brand new, in a family of understudied viruses (compared to influenza) and extremely contagious. Doctors and scientists are having
to do all the basic research on the hop.
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