Happy Saturday Quarantine!

We are currently re-watching the LOtR Trilogy for the 1,098 time (yes, I counted, using a cypher of Sindarin script)

Come join our journey through Middle Earth!


Cate Blanchett could narrate the ingredients in ice cream and still make it sound supremely momentous and melancholy

Excellent casting. Arguably the best decision Peter Jackson made, unlike...

The absence of Tom Bombadill...

Was he a native Ainu? Why does he call himself “I am”?

Why can’t we hear his songs? Did the Council of Elrond consider him as a possible guardian of the One Ring??

I have questions, Peter

Gandalf and Saruman are scary dudes. They’re Maiar, so basically angels cloaked in the forms of men. Don’t make them angry

I’m still sad we never got to meet the Blue Wizards 😢 Radagast was exactly how I imagined in The Hobbit, though

Can you imagine being Elrond, having fought with Isildur, watching the Ring corrupt his mind at Mt Doom
Then his heir shows up and wants to unite the Kingdoms of Men

And SURPRISE, your immortal daughter falls in love with him and decides to bind herself to his mortality

Frodo’s blood-curdling scream...

Gandalf urging the Fellowship, “Fly You Fools”...

The Lament for Gandalf (copied below)...

Ahh, how moving, then that technicolor Galadriel special effects scene 🙄
Poor Treebeard, his wife went away, all the Ent-Wives went away

There’s a lovely poem in 2T
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