Hey! You there! Have you been struggling with cabin fever, AND have been that person saying "I wish I could draw, I can't even do a stick figure"? NOW is your time. And before you say "I'm just not talented", if you could see my old stuff you would not say I'm talented either.
The well-known secret of art is that it really just comes down to practice, and LOTS of it. No one starts off drawing the Sistine Chapel. I started off with reams of printer paper and good old Bic mechanical pencils. (Still use the pencils.) So here's a couple practice resources.
Line of Action is GREAT for forcing yourself to do a lot of loose drawings fast. Their practice tools are free and flexible. (I do wish it would use "all" instead of "both" under the Gender toggle, but that's my only complaint.) https://line-of-action.com/ 
Bodies In Motion is a phenomenal resource for training your mind how to think spatially with illustration; it's sequences of movement captured in slides that you can then thumbnail from. It's free for that, and a sub gets you higher res and practice tools. https://www.bodiesinmotion.photo/ 
While Posemaniacs lacks the body variety/fluidity of photo reference, it's also great for a RANGE of challenging poses at multiple angles, and for helping at least think about anatomy, even if it's not 100% accurate. http://www.posemaniacs.com/ 
There's definitely a lot of good reference on Pinterest too, but one thing I'd caution against is using it for painting reference. I see a lot of work where the face is highlighted in ways that are 100% makeup tutorials, and it makes the whole thing look artificial.
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