There is plenty of blame to go around but the ultimate blame goes to China and the WHO for knowingly unleashing a weapon of mass destruction.
They said it didn’t spread human to human, that it was contained, and there was no need to worry. Doctors, including me, said
influenza was deadlier.

In February and late January, there were multiple stories just like this one in the US media:
and CNN focused on the diversity of the WH task force

Even after the Trump administration declared COVID19 a
public health emergency the media pushed story after story telling us that the flu was worse than COVID. Here is Anderson Cooper from March 4th!

Democrats had us all focused on a pointless impeachment in December and January. The ONLY media sounding the
alarm about COVID19 were Breitbart in early Jan
and Tucker Carlson in January. No other news outlet was taking it seriously in January:

The media and top Democrats called the president racist when he restricted travel to China.
Next, they tried to tell us he called the pending pandemic a hoax when he was referring to their treatment of him.

Yes, Trump made several statements downplaying it early on. Some of his statements were poor efforts at trying to
keep us calm but he was also following advice from the top health officials. Drs. Fauci, Birx, and Adams all included. Dr. Birx recently admitted in a press conference that she thought it was SARS early on and wasn’t alarmed. Fauci and Birx are long time public health leaders.
The FDA, NIH, and CDC botched the development and distribution of a reliable test for the virus. Completely botched it and led to more spread of the disease. They didn’t prepare for a pandemic even after SARS, MERS, H1N1, and Ebola scares. The layers of bureaucracy and the wasted
research dollars on meaningless studies are partly to blame.

I also blame hospitals and local and state governments for not being prepared for a disaster of this magnitude. There was no system in place to deploy multiple American industries to mass produce needed supplies. All
levels of government are responsible for outsourcing our product manufacturing. They’ve sat on information about GPOs and PBMs controlling manufacture, cost, and distribution of medications and medical devices to protect their investments and political positions.
Lastly, I blame the American people for being asleep at the wheel. We became so dependent on our government to protect us. We allowed our businesses to outsource labor and production so we could have cheaper products and goods. We voted the same officials in year after year
who didn’t protect our interests.

If anyone deserves credit for sounding the alarm on the negatives of globalism and dependence on China, it should be Trump. He was fought by Democrats, Republicans, and media every step of the way.
Although, it could have started weeks earlier, this administration has done unprecedented deeds to help states manage this pandemic.
But, all of that is pointless now. What matters is what we do next. Now that we know, what are WE going to do to take our country out of the hands of the government? Are we going to take steps to protect ourselves, our families? Or, will we allow more government “solutions”?
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