I'll translate a thread of Ellen Degeneres being exposed for being fake, rude, narcissist amongst other things
Here is the original thread https://twitter.com/jonadabbb/status/1246147523204378626?s=19
Ellen Degeneres, one of the most famous comedians and television host of Hollywood is not the person y'all think she is. She is fake, rude, mean, narcissits and a toxic person. through this thread u have enough reasons to cancel here, I'll show u all the evidence I've got.
For those who don't know her:
Ellen Degeneres became famous for being an actress and a "comedian".
She made her own show in 2003 called "Ellen" in where she has interviewed many celebrities. she is an LGBT activist, and was the first tv star woman to openly come out as Gay
Before I begin I just want to say that I don't really like to focus too much in the negative things of people, but Ellen is a person with many many followers (myself included) and has a big platform where everything she says reaches a lot of people. So bullies must be exposed.
1. Let's start when she PRESSURED Mariah Carey into admitting her alleged pregnancy. It was clear that Mariah didn't want to share this, since in the past she had struggled trying to get pregnant. However Ellen forced her to admit she was pregnant by making her drink champagne
2. that time where she was rude and mean towards a young woman translator. clearly here the young woman was nervous and clearly wanted to do her job well, while Ellen -in between jokes- demanded her on what she had to do and being a condescending b*tch towards her
3. She humiliated a lady who was in her audience for taking more than one product when the sign said "one item x person"
stealing is bad, yes, but there was no need to expose that lady in front of the whole world like that.
During the show she kept her in a corner as "punishment"
4. She made fun of a fan's gift.
there was a segment in Ellen's show where she showed the bad gifts she has received from her fans, at the end she shows a painting of her and her wife Portia.
Imagine being the artist and seeing your idol mocking your work like that.
5. An LGBTQ activist who once suffered from discrimination and prejudices for being gay and a woman telling Celine Dion that she should cut her son's hair because he is a boy (?). How ironic
6. Here's a video in where she talks about the coronavirus. she used this terrible situation as an oportunity to tell people that they should watch her show đŸ€Ą
7. She is so fake not only with her audience, but also with celebrities. She complained -in between jokes- asking Dakota Jhonson why she wasnt invited to her birthday party. Here we realized how much of a liar Ellen is and how she doesn't even care about her shows' guests.
8. Nikkie Tutorials experience after being on her show:
if u don't know Nikkie, She's a very famous vlogger. She recently came out as transgender & Ellen invited her to her show. This is what Nikkie had to say about it (sorry I couldn't download the vid)
9. OK here's is one of the things that truly left me in shock
The way she treated her workers, a few days ago @KevinTPorter made a thread about his experiences working for Ellen and also about other stories he had heard about her. He had a lot to say.
10. Here are more tweets of people talking about their experiences with Ellen
11. Most likely Ellen's wife Portia is being manipulated by her. Before Portia married Ellen she used to be a very active actress, but after they got married she started acting less and now she hasn't acted in more than 2 years
12. here are some more tweets of people talking about their experiences with Ellen
13. She doesn't give a sh*t about her viewers and takes credit of the art they send her
14. She adopts pets and when she gets tired of them she gets rid of them like they mean nothing
15. Here's a pic of Ellen and Bush, for a woman who claims to support the LGBTQ communitty spending time with a man who many times has said he isn't a sympathizer of the LGBTQ comunity is pretty ironic if you ask me.
16. last thing I will say is that Ellen only pretends to cares about the LGBTQII++ community when is convenient to her and to gain sympathy from people. but she is just a white middle age women who only cares about herself and she just happens to be gay.
That is all. If you want to know more here is Kevin's Porter thread. It's time y'all cancel this woman https://twitter.com/KevinTPorter/status/1241049881688412160?s=20
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