COVID-19: Random Thoughts of Logic. Read the thread, prove me wrong:

• If we quarantine ourselves now, won’t this just create the need to quarantine ourselves again during the second and third waves?
• Scientist are sounding the alarm because they don’t understand it.
What? Lack of understanding seems to be a weird and the wrong reason to shut down the world and the economy.
• Why are we depending on the models created by the scientist who admit they don’t know the facts or understand the virus?
We shut down society because of a massive number of unsubstantiated assumptions.
• Empirical data does not exist on this virus – yet we believe the politicians and their politically-financed “experts” are telling us the “facts”??
• Why do we trust people who assume reality?
• If you’ve tracked the models, the number of expected US deaths has gone from around 2 million, down to 1.7 million, down to 240,000 and now the high-end estimate is 178,000 (40,000 to 178,000). How much lower will it go? Again, why are we trusting models?
In reality, my guess is as good as anyone’s – and I have made an estimate, if you want to know my thoughts, I will give them to you.
• The “unknown” caused at least 42 state governors to confine people to their houses. Whether this is an abuse of power or not is irrelevant,
the problem is, we complied without fighting back or question. Have we really become such a flock of sheep?
• Media reports “truth” in a way that keeps us glued to the TV. Rather than reporting that only 0.08% of the US population has been infected (meaning 99.92% have NOT),
they report a number that sounds very high to us when not put in context. Don’t kid yourself, the media is LOVING this! They will milk it as long as they can.
• It is not reported anywhere, so you have to be paying attention to know that only about 2.2% of known cases
require hospitalization. The other 97.8% require little more than bed rest at home.
• During this past season’s flu outbreak (September to March), approximately 39 million people in the US were reported to have contracted the flu.
In simple math, that’s approximately 185,000 people per day.
• About 330,000 people were hospitalized during the flu season, yet this doesn’t overwhelm the medical community. Why? Because the hospitalizations are spread out over time. The same thing here –
not everyone who requires hospitalization will show up the same day.
• Irony of ironies – overuse of hand sanitizers may have made this problem worse. Dr. Oz’s blog has a report by respected doctor, Susan Evans, that overuse of hand sanitizers can weaken your immune system.
Even Time magazine warns against overuse. We sanitized ourselves into sickness.
• Politicians are positioning for re-election. None want to seem uncaring. This lack of leadership for sake of reelection may drive us into, dare I say it, economic depression.
• Three statistics to watch over the coming months:
o The new “Baby Boom” between Thanksgiving and Christmas;
o The number of divorces; and
o The number of suicides.
•Use of individual deaths in social media and the media in general, while personally tragic,
is disingenuous for the country as a whole. Sometimes the common good must take precedence over the individual good. The logic of, if it saves one life, is fully illogical. To apply that logic would require outlawing showers and baths
because one person a day dies as a result of an accident in the shower or bathtub. Or is that death acceptable?
• Why does it matter if a famous person has COVID-19? Does that somehow make it worse?
• Can we EVER prove there were any benefits to quarantine?
We have nothing to compare against.
• Why quarantine millions and millions of people in 42 states for the sake of statistically few people. Quarantine, if it is used at all, should be a last resort and used only in areas with significant numbers of cases – or “hot spots”?
“Significant” can be defined as an infection rate of 0.5% of the population (1/2 of 1% is a very low percentage). If 0.5% is the measure
(remembering that only 2.2% of those infected require hospitalization), the 10 states over or closest to this trigger point are:
o New York: 0.59% of population currently (the only state to have crossed the ½ of 1% threshold)
o New Jersey: 0.38% currently
o Louisiana: 0.27% currently
o Massachusetts: 0.15% currently
o Connecticut: 0.14% currently
o DC: 0.13% currently
o Michigan: 0.13% currently
o Washington: 0.09% currently
o Colorado: 0.07% currently
o Illinois: 0.07% currently
• Fewer than 50% of Americans take a flu shot. So, unless the government wants to usurp our freedoms, why would take-up rates for a COVID-19 vaccine be any different.
• This isn’t like “The Walking Dead;” the virus isn’t waiting for you outside the gates. In fact, it doesn’t even know where you are.
• Where is the ACLU in all this; aren’t our civil liberties under attack?
Media tells us everyday that we have the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
• We are continually told we are in a war; well, in war there is one rule – people die. And nothing anyone does can change that rule.
• The MOST frustrating thing about all this:
I can’t grab anyone in Washington and say to them, “ACT LIKE A LEADER AND LEAD!”
• I will probably lose friends because I’m not living in fear and think the hype is just that - hype.
• The most bizarre part of all: People who disagree with me WANT me to be wrong.
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